Tuesday, April 7, 2009

dazed and confused. but good.

If ever a girl wished for a real life fairy godmother, I'm really wishing for one now. I feel completely adrift and uncertain at the moment. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I'm the most confused and clueless that I have ever been in my life....or at least, this is the first time I've realized it.

You see, lately I've really been trying to get more proactive about my career and work hard to get an agent and yadda yadda. So I sent out about 100 headshots and resumes, not as the cure for this, but as a starting point. Some have come back to me...not sure if the address was no bueno or if they got them but just had no interest and sent them right back to me. But most of them seem to have reached their destination. Of all of those, I've had two calls so far. One from MZA for commercial represenation, and the other from the Gerler Agency. I've been trying to do my homework on these guys the best I can, and from what I've gathered on various message boards and from actor friends at work, both of these agents have some good and bad reputations.

I met with MZA on Saturday, and Michael Zanuck, the head agent, seems to be a nice, professional guy. Maybe I'm just naive, but thats how he struck me. Although, he said that he does not like my headshot (which I paid $500+ for) and wants me to take new pictures. So that's a bit of a setback.

Tomorrow I meet with the Gerler Agency. I hope it goes well. They are interested in me for their theatrical dept. I'm a little nervous about it because a friend at work once met with them and had a horrible experience. But I'm trying to not think about that too much.

What I really want is someone with no agenda, no bias, who doesn't want to just take my money to give me some good sound advice and tell me what I should do next. Who should take my pictures...what class should I take...should I really sign with these people or should I not...

Its a hard game. But I guess somebody's gotta play it! I better run along to bed, I have a lot to do tomorrow...
