Monday, August 24, 2009

random spewing of thoughts. sorry bout that.

teenagers are obnoxious. was I like this only...5 years ago?! Please say no.

I'm really glad I pretty much don't have any freckles. just a few minimal, cute ones on my face in the summer time.

People shouldn't have really anoying, loud, TMI kind of conversations in the cafe of Barnes and Noble. I mean, really, we don't want to know you a ho.

Guys who come out of nowhere, smile, and try to talk to you are either creepy or they just want to sell you something. Don't talk to them.

I'm really dying to see the new episode of Trueblood. MUST. SEE. IT. NOW. As in, I'll probably break into Jake's apartment tonight and watch it on his dvr, such is the severity of my need to see it.

That's really all my random comments that I needed to get out for the day. I'm sitting at the B&N at the Grove, trying to catch a little internet time before heading off to work. Since moving in with my friend, Nikki, I don't have wifi at my new apartment so I have to go in search of it. Hopefully within the week I'll have my router set up.

The big news right now is that, yes, I am no longer "living in sin," as some like to say, haha. I moved out of my boyfriend's place, and I really enjoy living on my own. We're still together. People don't really understand this. I guess it is kind of strange and foreign to people to go backwards like this and not break up. But, it is what it is.

Thats really the only interesting thing I have to say right now...that is, the only interesting thing I have time to go into right now. Hopefully I'll have some exciting news to report soon, as I have quite a few things in the pipeline that I really hope work out. Stay tuned!