Monday, October 20, 2008

What, like Boba Fett?

I'll bet you've never had the pleasure of the aquaintence of a bounty hunter. I have. Last weekend while hanging outside the back of the theatre during Act II, some cholo, latino dude was smoking with one of the cast members and came over and introduced himself, saying he was a bounty hunter. "Anybody fucks with you, you come knock on my door and I'll fuck with them!" he exclaimed. Alrighty then. Nice to meet you too! The only bounty hunter I've ever seen is in Star Wars.

Other fun out back of the Sherry Theatre during the one act also includes watching random, funny videos on youtube. This one is my current fav:

For more of that amazingness, go to

In other news, the other night, I went and saw the movie "W." So did Buffy the Vampire Slayer, aka, Sarah Michelle Gellar. She was behind me in line for popcorn. Jake overheard her admiring my outfit. :D She sat right next to us during the movie. Only in this town...

My play is going really well and we still have another weekend to go, so cross your fingers for me and let's hope for someone like an agent or casting director shows up! Yeah! But aside from that, I really like our cast and the girls who are on the board of the "Above the Curve" theatre company. In fact, I think I might join them. They're the only theatre company I've ever heard of that doesn't make you pay dues, and they're an awesome bunch of girls.

So yeah....happy fall!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tonight a black cat crossed by path...

But I don't believe in such foolish things as superstition! Pshaw! (That would be my sound of disdain...sound it out, its very phonetical.)

Anyway. It has been a tad bit too long since I last wrote. Or, blogged, rather. Since I last wrote, summer came and went, and it was great. There were catnaps on the beach...

British roomies...cheers!

Dances with street performers...

the AMAZING coldplay concert at the forum...

(yeah, chris martin was THAT close to me.)

A visit from Jo...and the birth of a new obsession: frozen yogurt. I convert everyone that comes and visits. Fortunately, this one fell prey to the deliciousness....

nights under the stars at the hollywood bowl...

A visit from Jake's family...and subsequently more trips to the "'bu"

Wasting time and money at Universal me and Jake are having a dandy time on the studio tour with his mom...yes. that is Jake's mom. good genes.

photography and art gazing at the getty...

Long, exhausting days on sets doing extra work (which kills my soul softly and the way....the picture below is of my friends snoozing on set of the starter was an early call time)

Needless to say, I've kept pretty busy this summer.

Today I was driving to work with the windows down, and the stereo blasting loud, the wind in my hair...and for the first time, I I was home. Up until this time, I've always felt a little bit off, somewhat awkward about living here, so far away from everything I knew. It almost felt like I was on a long, extended vacation. But this is where I belong, it really is, and I feel that more and more every day. If it hadn't been for Jake, I don't know if I could've ever come to this point, or if I would even be here at all. I've made so many great friends too, and I love them all.

But I think the thing I love most about being here is the independence. There truly is nothing that can compare to waking up every day and deciding what you will do with yourself. I can stay out all night....or not. I can vacuum every week, or not. (Usually its not). But still, its great to do whatever I feel like.

Of course, I miss my family, everyday. I can't wait to go home and see them. But for now, I'm happy right where I am.

ps...tonight I was watching Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia....and I actually recognized one of the extras as a girl I met on another set I worked on. Is that lame that I'm starting to recognize extras? hmm...