Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mechies Frozen Yogurt Owns Me...

I mean really, I really have no will power when it comes to menchies frozen yogurt...but it can't hurt every once in a while can it?

Anyway. I've been a very busy girl lately. This has been a really fun and exciting past month. For starters, I'm going to be competing in the Miss California USA pageant this November. My title is " Miss Sunset." It definitely beats being Miss Studio City or something of the like, if you ask me. You may not realize this, but this whole pageant thing is totally off my list of things I thought I'd do in my life. I never saw myself as one of those "pageant girls." They seem too perfect, pretty, tan, and plastic to be me. I'm not saying that I think I'm ugly...just not the pageant type. In fact, I didn't even apply for it. I got a voicemail on my phone one night saying I'd been "pre-selected" to come in for an interview for the pageant. My first reaction was "what the hell?! That's ridiculous! How did they get my phone number?!" I'm not going to lie, I was also flattered, so I went in for the interview, and now here I am! I'm currently looking for sponsors, so anyone who is looking for a good tax write off, look no further!

But that isn't the only exciting thing about this month! I also turned 21 last Saturday, and that was definitely a blast. My boyfriend Jake got me the cutest bike ever-loves it! I wish I could ride it everywhere! Then Jake took me out to dinner at Nobu, which was delish! Their drinks aren't bad either....May I recomend the Spring Punch?
Of course, those are the first alchoholic beverages that I've EVER had ;) Then, it was off to dance the night away at Foxtail! Me and Jake met up with my friends Nicky and Kelly and it was off to the style of course...
It was a great night, we had an we had an awesome time, and I am just so happy to be 21...FINALLY! People are always shocked when they find out how old I am, and that really amazes me. I hope its because I'm so mature and I moved clear across the country at such a young age, and not because I look like an old hag. lol.

So, happy birthday to me and all you other gemini's out there! Speaking of which, I don't really follow horosocopes and signs and all that too much, but from what I hear, Gemini people are supposed to be really crazy and somewhat bipolar. I have really seen that in myself lately. One day I'm as peppy as a cheerleader, and the next I'm a total wreck. What really gets me most times are what I like to call my " inner demons." They're those little voices that whisper unsweet nothings in my ears, and I've really battled them my whole life. Sometimes they really get the better of me too. I start to feel like I'll never amount to anything, that I'm wasting my time, that I should get a life, go back to school and get a real job, dammit! But I'm realizing more and more every day that hope and determination are active states of being, and if you don't keep them revved up, less attractive things come into the ball game. So if you are feeling the same icky things, keep your chin up! Everything takes time, determination, and some elbow grease, as my mom liked to say (usually she would use this elbow grease term when I was polishing furniture around the house, but it works, no?) When its right, things will fall into place. You just have to make sure you're there, ready to catch them!


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