Monday, March 24, 2008

happy monday....

You know you live in LA when you walk into the grocery store and there's a video crew filming the Super Nanny at work turning another bratty kid into an angel. I'm just sayin'.

In other news...Its monday! swell. I'm sitting at home, alone, taking care of business while Jake is at work. Its his first day, so yay for Jake and his awesome new job!

Anyhoo...since arriving in la la land (as my dad so fondly calls this town), I've gotten quite a few calls from old friends and family wanting to hear the latest about my new life. And in all these conversations, one question is always the constant: "So, how's the acting career?"

Yes. I understand that this is what I came out here for, so why shouldn't they ask this? That being said, I've been in the LA area for roughly...three weeks, and moved in for about two. Now that I feel that I've finally got everything together, I'm going to start hacking away at the acting career. I'm not going to lie, I feel totally overwhelmed every time I think about all the things there are to do...researching agents, finding reputable, good ones, what is my "type?!" (showbiz is certainly not for those who don't like to have labels slapped on them, that's for sure) is my current headshot ok? if so, I gotta mail a hell of a lot of headshots out...if not...what photographer is the best person I can hire without paying them with my right arm, leg, and first born child? And then, hell, where am I gonna find the money for all this?!

so to answer all your questions...yes, I am in the process of beginning the process of having an acting career in Los Angeles. Its very daunting though...give me some slack!


In an effort to make sense of this craziness, here are my first orders of business:

1. call the contacts my dad sent me
2. get registered at an extras casting agency...GET THAT SAG CARD
3. research acting classes (perhaps some improv to get started? hm.)
4. research headshots in LA
5. research photographers of headshots

that's all I can think of for now....for the time being I'm just hitting craigslist up like crazy and seeing if I can snag anything there.

peace, love, and 140 calorie, lowfat, cookies and cream ice cream! ;)

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