Saturday, March 29, 2008

you wanna be on top?!

Yes. So America's Next Top Model Cycle 11 auditions are tomorrow.

I had many weird and coincidental run-ins with the show in general in the past few days, you know, having a marathon watching all the ones I've missed from this season at Kelly's house, joking about being on there, secretly really wanting to be on there, etc. Then the other day I walked into work and the hostess at Cheesecake Factory handed me the business card of the casting director for the show. I shot this CD an email with my stats and pictures and whatnot, as to gain knowledge of the wheres and whens of this audition. Then it was posted on the CW's website tonight. It's an open call tomorrow from 10 am- 3pm.

At first, I was sure I wanted to do this. I mean, common, it's crazy exposure, and its probably a blast to do. Plus, if you won your life would be changed forever. If nothing else, you can't beat having it on a resume.

Then I really started to think about it...
- I can't exactly go to the audition tomorrow because I have a shift. (A shift which I released, but doubt anyone would want) Plus, hello, its an open call. You might as well say cattle call. Every girl and her grandmother is going to be lining up to go to that audition.
- As a result, I'd end up camping out in line with my pictures and bathing suit in hand, but by the time it actually came to be my turn, I'm sure I would not be looking so hot. (Waiting in line doesn't do much for me).
- Plus, anyone who watches this show knows very well what they do in the second epsiode: Makeovers. Sure, it sounds fun. You've got these amazing makeup and hair stylists on hand to make you into the best looking you possible. But for some reason, they have a nasty habit of forcing the girls with pretty, long, gorgeous hair to cut it short. I don't know how I could handle this. I mean, I could handle it. Tears would be shed...buckets of tears...but it is hair, and it does grow back. I'd suck it up I'm sure...but still....
- And lastly, there's always some photo shoot where they wear next to nothing, or less. That might be a little difficult to do. Lord knows the 'rents sure would not appreciate it. And I don't think I would like doing it so much either.

Plus, I could stand to loose 5 pounds or so before going out for a thing like that. It would stink to be known as the "plus size girl" even though I'm a size four.

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