Tuesday, December 16, 2008

favorite quotes of the day

so I have returned home to Nashville for Christmas for a few weeks. I've also returned to my old cheesecake factory to do a little bit of workin to pay that rent! Anyway...today was my first day back to my old restaurant, and I must say that I have gained a different perspective on this town since leaving. I love it, but at the same time, living in a place as diverse as LA has really shown me how very un-diverse Nashville is. For example, I am able to tell people "Merry Christmas!" here without the fear of some Jewish person scowling at me. Nothing against Chanukah guys, gotta love the dreidels, but thats just an example. Anyway, I have really missed these people of the South. They really are so much more down to earth and endearing. I've also missed my old coworkers, they were always lots of fun and full of support, example A: Jake Monroe, "Let me know when you become the next Nicole Kidman, because I can see it coming!"

Also gotta love the newbies they've hired since I've left. One such one I encountered today whom I can't remember his name...he was quite interesting, and very interested in California-he's never been there. I can't remember how we got from the subject of what its like in Cali to this quote, but nonetheless, here goes...

"I just like to sit in my truck in the parking lot of Wal-Mart and drink whisky and get drunk and have a good time." (insert heavy southern accent).

I will leave it at that.

Here's something I haven't had to ask anyone in a while...."Would you like SWEET tea, or unsweet tea?"

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