Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's the last sleep till Christmas

So, here I am, sitting in my old bedroom at my parent's house in Franklin, TN. I haven't been here in about a year. It's amazing how little things seem to change here. It's amazing how much has changed since I was here last year. I don't think there has been a more roller coaster like year in my life to date. It's been fun, but it's also been tough. I've learned so much about life, about myself, what I want, what makes me happy, and what doesn't. And the answers are all so suprising and predictable at the same time.

I've learned that you can't make everyone happy. Not everyone will approve of the things you do, but this shouldn't stop you from doing what you feel you gotta do. What is right for you might not be right for someone else. If you live constantly trying to win the approval of other people, you'll never find happiness. True happiness comes from knowing who you are and what you want to do with your life. Its YOUR life, not theirs, live it the way you want, you only get one chance.

I've learned that I can be my own worst enemy. I think I always knew this though. I have a lot to offer the world, I can do whatever I set my mind to, I just have to get out of my own way and let myself be.

I've learned that life is too short. Life is too short to not follow your dreams, to settle for the mediocre, to say what you think, to work hard but play harder, to fret about tomorrow, to care what people think, to constantly be straddling the fence, to love half-heartedly. You get out of the universe what you put into the universe. You might as well go all in.

Whoever reads this very infrequently updated blog, I wish you a merry christmas...I hope its filled with laughter, love, and the people you care about most. I know mine will be....sort of ;)


Monday, August 24, 2009

random spewing of thoughts. sorry bout that.

teenagers are obnoxious. was I like this only...5 years ago?! Please say no.

I'm really glad I pretty much don't have any freckles. just a few minimal, cute ones on my face in the summer time.

People shouldn't have really anoying, loud, TMI kind of conversations in the cafe of Barnes and Noble. I mean, really, we don't want to know you a ho.

Guys who come out of nowhere, smile, and try to talk to you are either creepy or they just want to sell you something. Don't talk to them.

I'm really dying to see the new episode of Trueblood. MUST. SEE. IT. NOW. As in, I'll probably break into Jake's apartment tonight and watch it on his dvr, such is the severity of my need to see it.

That's really all my random comments that I needed to get out for the day. I'm sitting at the B&N at the Grove, trying to catch a little internet time before heading off to work. Since moving in with my friend, Nikki, I don't have wifi at my new apartment so I have to go in search of it. Hopefully within the week I'll have my router set up.

The big news right now is that, yes, I am no longer "living in sin," as some like to say, haha. I moved out of my boyfriend's place, and I really enjoy living on my own. We're still together. People don't really understand this. I guess it is kind of strange and foreign to people to go backwards like this and not break up. But, it is what it is.

Thats really the only interesting thing I have to say right now...that is, the only interesting thing I have time to go into right now. Hopefully I'll have some exciting news to report soon, as I have quite a few things in the pipeline that I really hope work out. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mechies Frozen Yogurt Owns Me...

I mean really, I really have no will power when it comes to menchies frozen yogurt...but it can't hurt every once in a while can it?

Anyway. I've been a very busy girl lately. This has been a really fun and exciting past month. For starters, I'm going to be competing in the Miss California USA pageant this November. My title is " Miss Sunset." It definitely beats being Miss Studio City or something of the like, if you ask me. You may not realize this, but this whole pageant thing is totally off my list of things I thought I'd do in my life. I never saw myself as one of those "pageant girls." They seem too perfect, pretty, tan, and plastic to be me. I'm not saying that I think I'm ugly...just not the pageant type. In fact, I didn't even apply for it. I got a voicemail on my phone one night saying I'd been "pre-selected" to come in for an interview for the pageant. My first reaction was "what the hell?! That's ridiculous! How did they get my phone number?!" I'm not going to lie, I was also flattered, so I went in for the interview, and now here I am! I'm currently looking for sponsors, so anyone who is looking for a good tax write off, look no further!

But that isn't the only exciting thing about this month! I also turned 21 last Saturday, and that was definitely a blast. My boyfriend Jake got me the cutest bike ever-loves it! I wish I could ride it everywhere! Then Jake took me out to dinner at Nobu, which was delish! Their drinks aren't bad either....May I recomend the Spring Punch?
Of course, those are the first alchoholic beverages that I've EVER had ;) Then, it was off to dance the night away at Foxtail! Me and Jake met up with my friends Nicky and Kelly and it was off to the style of course...
It was a great night, we had an we had an awesome time, and I am just so happy to be 21...FINALLY! People are always shocked when they find out how old I am, and that really amazes me. I hope its because I'm so mature and I moved clear across the country at such a young age, and not because I look like an old hag. lol.

So, happy birthday to me and all you other gemini's out there! Speaking of which, I don't really follow horosocopes and signs and all that too much, but from what I hear, Gemini people are supposed to be really crazy and somewhat bipolar. I have really seen that in myself lately. One day I'm as peppy as a cheerleader, and the next I'm a total wreck. What really gets me most times are what I like to call my " inner demons." They're those little voices that whisper unsweet nothings in my ears, and I've really battled them my whole life. Sometimes they really get the better of me too. I start to feel like I'll never amount to anything, that I'm wasting my time, that I should get a life, go back to school and get a real job, dammit! But I'm realizing more and more every day that hope and determination are active states of being, and if you don't keep them revved up, less attractive things come into the ball game. So if you are feeling the same icky things, keep your chin up! Everything takes time, determination, and some elbow grease, as my mom liked to say (usually she would use this elbow grease term when I was polishing furniture around the house, but it works, no?) When its right, things will fall into place. You just have to make sure you're there, ready to catch them!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

dazed and confused. but good.

If ever a girl wished for a real life fairy godmother, I'm really wishing for one now. I feel completely adrift and uncertain at the moment. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I'm the most confused and clueless that I have ever been in my life....or at least, this is the first time I've realized it.

You see, lately I've really been trying to get more proactive about my career and work hard to get an agent and yadda yadda. So I sent out about 100 headshots and resumes, not as the cure for this, but as a starting point. Some have come back to me...not sure if the address was no bueno or if they got them but just had no interest and sent them right back to me. But most of them seem to have reached their destination. Of all of those, I've had two calls so far. One from MZA for commercial represenation, and the other from the Gerler Agency. I've been trying to do my homework on these guys the best I can, and from what I've gathered on various message boards and from actor friends at work, both of these agents have some good and bad reputations.

I met with MZA on Saturday, and Michael Zanuck, the head agent, seems to be a nice, professional guy. Maybe I'm just naive, but thats how he struck me. Although, he said that he does not like my headshot (which I paid $500+ for) and wants me to take new pictures. So that's a bit of a setback.

Tomorrow I meet with the Gerler Agency. I hope it goes well. They are interested in me for their theatrical dept. I'm a little nervous about it because a friend at work once met with them and had a horrible experience. But I'm trying to not think about that too much.

What I really want is someone with no agenda, no bias, who doesn't want to just take my money to give me some good sound advice and tell me what I should do next. Who should take my pictures...what class should I take...should I really sign with these people or should I not...

Its a hard game. But I guess somebody's gotta play it! I better run along to bed, I have a lot to do tomorrow...


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Year, new Jessica

It's 2009. And, while this post is about...oh, a month over due, better late than never! I am overhauling my life. Major. Yes, in 2008, I accomplished a lot, if you think about it. I successfully moved my butt and belongings aaaaaall the way across this great nation to Los Angeles, CA. And I love it here. This is where I belonged all along.

And now a year has passed. They say the first year is the hardest. I'm still breathing, my boyfriend still loves me, and I'm a stronger person than I ever was. I love being on my own, working, and making my way for myself. Its liberating, and I love my newfound freedom. I finally feel like I can be me, pure and simple.

But, there are things to be done! Here are some of my goals for 2009:
1. Get an agent. no ifs ands or butts
2. study study study! that means taking classes, working on monologues by myself at home, practicing cold reading more. I'm going to pretend like I'm training to be an olympic figure skater again and get down to business!
3. create, shoot, and sucessfully produce me and Jake's ideas for short films. I am going to stop waiting to be "discovered" and start getting myself out there! and I am ready and raring to go
4. write more
5. read more, especially books about history, not just...ahem...twilight....
6. write in this blog more, for heaven's sake!

My problem is, some days I feel invincible. Tonight I feel like that. Other times, which is usually the majority of the time, I feel a bit less confident. When I lived in Nashville, I oozed confidence, almost to the point of sheer arrogance. I guess there I somehow knew that I should go on to bigger things. Here in LA though, I sometimes feel like I'm not enough. But I've come to realize this is stupid and I need to stop letting these thoughts take root in my conciousness.

When I used to skate, a lot of times at competition, I would get intimidated by my competitors. So, I started to get really aggressive when I was on the ice. I stopped giving other people the right of way. I stopped being timid, at least on the outside. People probably thought I was a bitch. My coaches called me an "ice princess." I lived by the motto, "fake it till you make it." And after a while....I even fooled myself. And it helped! So that's what I'm going to do now. I'm going to find my old steely resolve and do whatever it takes to succeed in life.

So, here's to the new fearless, confident me. watch out.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

favorite quotes of the day

so I have returned home to Nashville for Christmas for a few weeks. I've also returned to my old cheesecake factory to do a little bit of workin to pay that rent! was my first day back to my old restaurant, and I must say that I have gained a different perspective on this town since leaving. I love it, but at the same time, living in a place as diverse as LA has really shown me how very un-diverse Nashville is. For example, I am able to tell people "Merry Christmas!" here without the fear of some Jewish person scowling at me. Nothing against Chanukah guys, gotta love the dreidels, but thats just an example. Anyway, I have really missed these people of the South. They really are so much more down to earth and endearing. I've also missed my old coworkers, they were always lots of fun and full of support, example A: Jake Monroe, "Let me know when you become the next Nicole Kidman, because I can see it coming!"

Also gotta love the newbies they've hired since I've left. One such one I encountered today whom I can't remember his name...he was quite interesting, and very interested in California-he's never been there. I can't remember how we got from the subject of what its like in Cali to this quote, but nonetheless, here goes...

"I just like to sit in my truck in the parking lot of Wal-Mart and drink whisky and get drunk and have a good time." (insert heavy southern accent).

I will leave it at that.

Here's something I haven't had to ask anyone in a while...."Would you like SWEET tea, or unsweet tea?"

Monday, October 20, 2008

What, like Boba Fett?

I'll bet you've never had the pleasure of the aquaintence of a bounty hunter. I have. Last weekend while hanging outside the back of the theatre during Act II, some cholo, latino dude was smoking with one of the cast members and came over and introduced himself, saying he was a bounty hunter. "Anybody fucks with you, you come knock on my door and I'll fuck with them!" he exclaimed. Alrighty then. Nice to meet you too! The only bounty hunter I've ever seen is in Star Wars.

Other fun out back of the Sherry Theatre during the one act also includes watching random, funny videos on youtube. This one is my current fav:

For more of that amazingness, go to

In other news, the other night, I went and saw the movie "W." So did Buffy the Vampire Slayer, aka, Sarah Michelle Gellar. She was behind me in line for popcorn. Jake overheard her admiring my outfit. :D She sat right next to us during the movie. Only in this town...

My play is going really well and we still have another weekend to go, so cross your fingers for me and let's hope for someone like an agent or casting director shows up! Yeah! But aside from that, I really like our cast and the girls who are on the board of the "Above the Curve" theatre company. In fact, I think I might join them. They're the only theatre company I've ever heard of that doesn't make you pay dues, and they're an awesome bunch of girls.

So yeah....happy fall!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tonight a black cat crossed by path...

But I don't believe in such foolish things as superstition! Pshaw! (That would be my sound of disdain...sound it out, its very phonetical.)

Anyway. It has been a tad bit too long since I last wrote. Or, blogged, rather. Since I last wrote, summer came and went, and it was great. There were catnaps on the beach...

British roomies...cheers!

Dances with street performers...

the AMAZING coldplay concert at the forum...

(yeah, chris martin was THAT close to me.)

A visit from Jo...and the birth of a new obsession: frozen yogurt. I convert everyone that comes and visits. Fortunately, this one fell prey to the deliciousness....

nights under the stars at the hollywood bowl...

A visit from Jake's family...and subsequently more trips to the "'bu"

Wasting time and money at Universal me and Jake are having a dandy time on the studio tour with his mom...yes. that is Jake's mom. good genes.

photography and art gazing at the getty...

Long, exhausting days on sets doing extra work (which kills my soul softly and the way....the picture below is of my friends snoozing on set of the starter was an early call time)

Needless to say, I've kept pretty busy this summer.

Today I was driving to work with the windows down, and the stereo blasting loud, the wind in my hair...and for the first time, I I was home. Up until this time, I've always felt a little bit off, somewhat awkward about living here, so far away from everything I knew. It almost felt like I was on a long, extended vacation. But this is where I belong, it really is, and I feel that more and more every day. If it hadn't been for Jake, I don't know if I could've ever come to this point, or if I would even be here at all. I've made so many great friends too, and I love them all.

But I think the thing I love most about being here is the independence. There truly is nothing that can compare to waking up every day and deciding what you will do with yourself. I can stay out all night....or not. I can vacuum every week, or not. (Usually its not). But still, its great to do whatever I feel like.

Of course, I miss my family, everyday. I can't wait to go home and see them. But for now, I'm happy right where I am.

ps...tonight I was watching Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia....and I actually recognized one of the extras as a girl I met on another set I worked on. Is that lame that I'm starting to recognize extras? hmm...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Close Enounters of the Celebrity kind...

so, today I waited on slash....

honestly, I didn't even know it was him until someone said something to me...still. It's kinda cool, I guess.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

DAAAAD...Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet!

As my Nana likes to say, you can plan your steps, but the LORD knows your future....or, something like that...

anyhoo, tonight, I planned to go pick up my friend Kelly, head down to Hollywood, and go see a free Q and A screening of that new, really hot movie "Wanted." You know, the one with Angelina Jolie and James McAvoy...

The confirmation email clearly did state that they DO overbook these free screenings, and that you should arrive plenty early to get admitted. Kelly and I showed up an hour and ten minutes early, and the line was already wrapping around the Los Angeles Film School building. We stood in line for about 2 minutes, then realized that the theater was most likely not big enough to seat everyone in line up until us. So we walked west on Sunset and hit up a coffee bean, then had the brilliant idea to go stop in at the church of Scientology building on Hollywood. It was close by, and we were both up for an adventure, plus we were just down right curious.

So we walk in, and its a very nice building, which I'm sure is funded by its many celeb and otherwise richy rich church members, and behind the front desk sits a very pretty, perfect skin, perfect smile, perfect hair, perfect little size zero, woman, who greeted us with a smile and asked how she could help us. I quickly said, "ah, yes, we would like to take the tour."
"Very good, it will take about 40 minutes to walk through. If you will just take a seat, and I'll get there receptionist."

So, Kelly and I took a seat and read all the nicely illuminated quotes about how amazing and wonderful Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard are. Of course, Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley, and John Travolta were among the quotees. We were soon ushered into the tour by the same girl who greeted us, I guess she couldn't find the "receptionist" who was supposed to take us through the tour herself, so she did it.

It was really all about L. Ron Hubbard....which, after you've heard L. Ron enough, you start to think of that rather unfortunate company that went under a few years back....but anyway, apparently he was some Navy officer son who grew up with indians and was some prodigy eagle scout who traveled the world on Naval ships and studied EXACTLY 21 different cultures, always in pursuit of answering the deep questions of life, such as the existence of Man and Life and all that jazz. He studied engineering in college so he was pretty scientific, but he also was really intruiged by eastern religions he came in contact with in his travels, so he tried to find a way to apply the reason of science to...eastern mysticism. Seems kinda contradictory, but oh well.

He was also a very prolific writer of pulp fiction and sci fi novels. That's what he's most known for really. He then wrote this very famous book called "Dianetics," which attempts to answer questions of people's mental state and how they come to behave in certain ways. They think that every condition is linked to an event that happened in your life, because you have a part of your brain called your "reactive mind," which is constantly recording everything that happens to you in your life, while your are conscious OR EVEN UNCONSCIOUS. (dun dun dun....) Let's say you are afraid of clowns. Now, most people would call you crazy and irrational to have a fear of clowns right? Why on earth are you afraid of clowns?! For the life of you, you cant' remember. Scientology has the answer. You go to "auditing," which is basically their spiritual mentoring, and you sit down and hold an "e- meter" (which is basically some weird dial with two wires attached to two tin cans which you hold in your hand) and you go back to that first traumatic experience you had with clowns that made you act in your irrational manner. Through your auditing, you work to get over all your fears and whatnot, so that you are now a normal person who is unafraid of clowns.

In fact, Kelly and I got to experience this emeter thing first hand. The girl told us to hold a tin can in each hand and think of something that makes us angry. I did it, and sure enough, the little arrow on the dial shot from the left to the right. On Kelly it did the same thing. I asked, "are you sure this has nothing to do with rising blood pressure, or anything like that?"
"Oh, no, your thoughts are energy, this machine sends a current of energy through your body, and your thoughts exert a certain resistance to the energy current."

ah...its all so clear now.

Of course you don't learn the REALLY creepy things about scientology by going on the tour. That knowledge only comes with being a member of the church for many years. Fortunately, a girl left the church not long ago and posted all this top secret info on her website, which the peeps at South Park found and made a show out of. Apparently, everything in this episode is it. It's pretty gosh darn funny as well as informative.