Friday, April 18, 2008

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...

Ok, my bad. It's Tennessee in my case. Sometimes, I wish I was from Kansas just so I could say that anytime I left home. And then, about a split second later, I recall my memories of Kansas...boring...backwoods...bad roads...good for nothing but the Wizard of Oz....and I quickly change my mind. But you get the point....I'm a loooong way from home.

The first week or so was a little rough. Ok, example. Jake and I are driving down a side street, without a clue of where we're going, but we're going a little bit on the slow side because I am trying desperately to copy down a phone number from a street sign. So engrossed are we in getting this phone number as we are passing it at 10 mph, that we don't realize the people behind us getting quite angry. Of course, there was honking involved, that's a given in this town, but as the windowless white van (which looked like it could belong to a child abductor) passed us, the dude in the passenger seat threw his soft drink at our windshield.

To be sure, Jake and I were quite dumbfounded.

Hey, you gotta learn to adapt to your surroundings. Here's some ways in which I have changed a bit....

-- Gas. I laugh when I recall the days I used to splutter and fuss over "high" gas prices in TN. I mean, if gas got anywhere around $2.80 a gallon, I started to seriously consider getting around on my bike. Here, that price seems like heaven, or maybe a former life. Now, I'm pretty conditioned to seeing this at the pump:

Thus, my only option is to go this route:

And trust me. Those lines in that picture, those are pretty short for Costco. Usually they're much longer.

-- Driving. Tennesseans, you know not the meaning of a true rush hour. Oh, no. You think that sitting on I-65 for 30 minutes is bad? Puh-leeze! Try sitting on the 405 and going about 5 miles in 30 minutes. Or getting on the 101 at 3 in the afternoon and running into bumper to bumper traffic. Three in the afternoon! It's ridiculous really. Even at 11 pm, the highways are pretty busy. In Nashville, I considered a nice open freeway on which I could go a cool 80 mph good. Now, I'm delighted to go 60.

-- video guys. They're everywhere. They're shooting everything. You can't even go grocery shopping without seeing 'em. These pictures I took at Ralph's the other day. They were filming an episode of "Super Nanny." Sorry, there aren't any clear pictures of the actual super nanny....give me a break! I was looking conspicuous taking these pictures really quickly as it was!

However, I'm also getting quite used to all the perks....

-- Shopping. Hello. Anything and everything you could want, it's here. I recently bought the cutest of cute vintage Oscar de la Renta dress, for 40 bucks. not joking.

-- The beach. I could get used to this. It's a mere 20 minute drive away. While the water remains absolutely frigid, the beach itself is always a nice gettaway. For one thing, it's always ten degrees cooler than the valley, and always breezy. Its also a great place to get some exercise in. Jake and I rented a tandem bike the other day and rode it up and down the beach, which was really fun (pics coming soon for that).

-- concerts. Every band comes through this town, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Someone I like is always playing somewhere. For instance, Nada Surf at the Music Box...

-- Robek's Juice. Ok, random, I know. Before moving out here, friends of mine from the West Coast always used to boast of the wonders of Jamba Juice. I've tried Jamba...but its nothing compared to Robek's. They have this one smoothie...the Acai (pronounced Ah-sci-ee) Energizer that I can't get enough of....luckily for me, there's a Robek's in the mall where I work, so I can go for some anytime I want.

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